C2.5.1.g. Can a seafarer decide not to exercise a right to be repatriated when that entitlement arises?
Standard A2.5.1, paragraph 2(b) of the MLC, 2006 requires each flag State to prescribe, through laws and regulations or other measures or collective bargaining agreements, a number of matters including “the maximum duration of service periods on board following which a seafarer is entitled to repatriation – such periods to be less than 12 months”. A seafarer could, however, choose not to exercise this entitlement when it arises (unless the flag State law prohibited such a choice being made) [see C2.1.l.]. At the same time, the flag State also has to take account of its obligation under Regulation 2.4 and the Code to require that seafarers are given at least the minimum period (2.5 calendar days per month of service) of paid annual leave [see C2.4.a and C2.4.c].