C4.5.f. What are the different ways that social security can be provided under the MLC, 2006?

The MLC, 2006 offers a high degree of flexibility to ratifying States with regard to the choice of means through which they can fulfil their obligation of providing social security to seafarers. Flexibility is provided for in that this obligation can be met:
■ through various bilateral and multilateral agreements or contribution-based systems (Standard A4.5, paragraph 3);

■ through the additional flexibility that is provided as to the manner in which the country ensures protection. For example, Standard A4.5, paragraph 7, recognizes that it could be provided in laws or regulations or in private schemes or in collective bargaining agreements or in a combination of these. Furthermore, if a contributory scheme is chosen, it would seem reasonable (having regard to Guideline B4.5, paragraph 7) for the country of residence to expect the flag States concerned to require that shipowners under their respective flags make the relevant contributions.

Social security