A1. What is the MLC, 2006? A2. What are the two basic aims of the MLC, 2006? A3. How will the MLC, 2006 protect more of the world’s seafarers? A4. What is meant by the concept of “no more favourable treatment”? A5. What are the novel features in the MLC, 2006? A6. What are the subjects of the “Titles”? A7. Does the MLC, 2006 directly apply to shipowners, ships and seafarers? A8. What measures must a country take to ensure that the MLC, 2006 is properly applied? A9. What is the Code of the MLC, 2006? A10. What is the difference between Articles, Regulations, Standards and Guidelines? A11. What is a “substantially equivalent” provision? A12. What is the status of the Guidelines in Part B of the Code? A13. What was the reason for having the Part B Guidelines? A14. What is the status of the 2008 ILO Guidelines for flag State inspections and the ILO Guidelines for port State control officers? A15. Does the MLC, 2006 require countries to comply with the ILO’s “fundamental Conventions”? A16. How does the MLC, 2006 make it easier for countries to ratify it and to implement its requirements? A17. When did the MLC, 2006 become applicable? A18. Why is the MLC, 2006 likely to achieve the aim of near universal ratification? A19. What will happen to the maritime labour Conventions adopted before 2006? A20. Which ILO Conventions are consolidated in the MLC, 2006? A21. How can the MLC, 2006 be updated? A22. What is the Special Tripartite Committee? A23. What is the status of the Preamble and the Explanatory note in the MLC, 2006? A24. What is meant by the term “Member”? A25. Who is the competent authority? A26. Where would I get a list of countries that have ratified the MLC, 2006? A27. Why are some countries listed on the ILO MLC, 2006 website as ratifying but the Convention is not in force for them? A28. Where can I get the contact information for the national competent authority responsible for the MLC, 2006? A29. What is the role of the ILO in implementing the MLC, 2006? A30. Is the MLC, 2006 relevant for owners or operators of ships registered in a country that has not ratified the MLC, 2006? A31. Is the MLC, 2006 relevant to seafarers based in countries that have not ratified the MLC, 2006? A32. Where can I get training on MLC, 2006 inspections? A33. Can the ILO certify me to be an inspector for the MLC, 2006 for ports and/or flag States? A34. Can the ILO help me to recover unpaid wages or deal with other problems I am experiencing on board a ship? A35. Does the ILO have a database of national laws or regulations or other measures implementing the MLC, 2006? A36. I believe that working and living conditions on board a ship are not good; can the ILO help me? A37. Why does the ILO say that it supervises the implementation of Conventions? What does that mean? Does it inspect ships? A38. What is the role of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR)? A39. Does the MLC, 2006 address the problem of piracy? A40. Does the MLC, 2006 help abandoned seafarers? A41. Does a country have to adopt national laws in order to ratify the MLC, 2006? A42. Where can I obtain a copy of the report form for the MLC, 2006 that each ratifying country has to make to the ILO? A43. How can a country ratify the MLC, 2006? What documents need to be filed? A44. Where can I find the amendments to the MLC, 2006 and what is their status? Do they already apply? A45. The ILO website has an MLC, 2006 email address “MLC@ilo.org”. Who answers this email? Can I rely on any answer as a legal opinion? A46. What is the status of the answers in this FAQ? Can I rely on the answers as legal opinions?