C5.2.2.c. What tasks can a recognized organization (RO) carry out?

The tasks of each RO depend upon the tasks which the flag State concerned has delegated to it within the scope of those that an RO is permitted by the MLC, 2006 to carry out. Under Regulation 5.1.2, paragraph 1 of the MLC, 2006 a RO may only be authorized by a flag State to carry out tasks that are expressly mentioned in the Code of Title 5 [see A9.] as tasks that can be carried out by an RO. In this respect, the Code uses wording such as “by the competent authority, or by a recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose”.

Most of the tasks related to flag State inspection and certification under the MLC, 2006 can be undertaken by an RO. When an RO is appointed, the flag State (or its competent authority) needs to specify the scope of the RO’s role with respect to verification of national requirements. Although the attention of an RO carrying out a flag State inspection might be drawn to a possible deficiency on a ship by seafarers and reported to the flag State, the investigation of complaints that are made to the flag State regarding its ships (Standard A5.1.4, paragraph 5) or the enforcement of the national requirements implementing the MLC, 2006 should be dealt with by the competent authority in each flag State [see A25.]. Information as to the role of ROs and the scope of their authority should also be made available to seafarers in the event that they have a complaint.

Flag State responsibilities