A7. Does the MLC, 2006 directly apply to shipowners, ships and seafarers?

The MLC, 2006 is an international legal instrument and does not, therefore, in principle, apply directly to shipowners, ships or seafarers. Instead, it relies on implementation by countries through their national laws or other measures [see A8.]. The national law or other measures would then apply to shipowners, seafarers and ships. The MLC, 2006 sets out the minimum standards that must be implemented by all countries that ratify it. These standards must be reflected in the national standards or requirements or other national implementing measures and are subject to the usual oversight role taken by the ILO’s Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations under the ILO supervisory system 15 (a system established under the Constitution of the ILO) [see A29.] and [see A38.]

15 Information about the ILO’s supervisory system is available on the ILO website at www.ilo.org/normes under the heading “Labour standards”, and the links under the subheading “Supervisory bodies and procedures.”

General questions about the MLC, 2006