A42. Where can I obtain a copy of the report form for the MLC, 2006 that each ratifying country has to make to the ILO?

The national report form setting out national implementation [see A8.] is required under article 22 of the ILO Constitution to be examined by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR), composed of independent jurists [see A38.]

Each country that has ratified the MLC, 2006 will have to make this report to the International Labour Office within 12 months after the entry into force date for the country concerned. A copy of the national report form for the MLC, 2006 can be downloaded (in Word and pdf format) from the MLC, 2006 website (www.ilo.org/mlc) under the heading “Reporting obligation”. The report form for the MLC, 2006 has been modified to take into account the amendments to the Code of the Convention. After its first report, each member State has to report at appropriate intervals. Representative workers’ and employers’ organizations (including seafarers’ and shipowners’ organizations) are entitled to receive a copy of the report and to submit observations on the implementation of the Convention.

General questions about the MLC, 2006