A20. Which ILO Conventions are consolidated in the MLC, 2006?

The 36 Conventions and one Protocol that are consolidated in the MLC, 2006 are listed in its Article X. This list consists of all the previous maritime Conventions for seafarers, adopted since 1920, except the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003, as amended and the 1958 Convention that it revises (No. 108), as well as the Seafarers’ Pensions Convention, 1946 (No. 71), and the (outdated) Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921 (No. 15) 24 . The ILO maritime Conventions dealing with fishing and with dockworkers are also not affected by the MLC, 2006.

24 Convention No. 15 was abrogated by decision of the International Labour Conference at its 106th Session.

General questions about the MLC, 2006